Information contributed by Douglas White, MD, PhD, Division Chief, Rheumatology, Gundersen Health System, Onalaska, Wisconsin; and the Lupus Foundation of America.
Chances are, if you are reading this, that you or someone you love has been diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). It’s also quite likely that this is not the first material you’ve read on the topic. Indeed, there are many excellent discussions of this disease with an abundance of patient-oriented and scientific information and free advice from doctors and patients familiar with SLE. Unfortunately, much of the readily available information about SLE is either too vague and general to be meaningful to a particular patient, or too bogged down in scientific lingo to be helpful. Our aim then is to strike a balance and offer information about SLE that will advance patients’ understanding without overwhelming them with medicalese.
Our Mission
The mission of the Local Lupus Alliance is to raise awareness, educate and assist patients and others who have been adversely affected by Lupus within our community and surrounding areas, grow partnerships and collaborate to bring about compassionate care and healing.

The Local Lupus Alliance donated $25,000 to the American College of Rheumatology for a collaborative Reproductive Initiative consisting of educational videos. Read more or view the videos below.